Monday, July 21, 2008

Starbucks coffee flavors origin

The Land where a coffee is grown creates subtle flavor differences. You can tell a lot about your favorite coffee if you know where it was grown.

In Latin America coffees are well balanced flavors and often evocative of Cocoa or nuts, as well as their crisp, bright acidity like GUATEMALA ANTIGUA, COLOMBIA NARIÑO SUPREMO, HOUSE BLEND and DECAF HOUSE BLEND.

In Africa / Arabia flavors ranging from berries, exotic spices and citrus fruits combine with subtle lemon, floral and chocolate aromas like ARABIAN MOCHA SANANI, ETHIOPIA SIDAMO and KENYA.

In Asia / Pacific flavors are assertive, full-bodied with deep, earthy undertones typify the coffee treasures of Indonesia like KOMODO DRAGON BLEND, SULAWESI SUMATRA and DECAF SUMATRA.

The Multi-Region Blends they creating blends relies on buying the world’s finest coffee and combining them to achieve an intriguing interplay of flavor and aroma like YUKON BLEND, CAFFE’ VERONA, GOLD COAST BLEND and CAFÉ’ ESTIMA BLEND.

The Dark Roast Blends the bold expression of our blending and roasting reflect an elegant complex fusion of flavor and intensity like EXPRESSO ROAST, ITALIAN ROAST and FRENCH ROAST

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